Musician, composer, sound artist, sound designer and teacher.

Pablo Bas — PLÉYADE | CALATHEA Experimenta




He composes electroacoustic, instrumental and mixed music. He improvises freely with acoustic, electronic and digital instruments and devices and performs in concerts as a soloist, in ensembles and with the duo Liquen Negro.

He produces music productions, sound montages and sound installations and makes music for audiovisuals, theatre, dance and performances.

He develops and directs collective projects of field recordings and soundscapes for sound mapping with the Field Recordings and Sound Mapping Workshop.

His works have been presented at festivals, concerts and exhibition halls in several countries. He is the author of the book Audio Digital (MP Ediciones, 2005) and has published several articles and papers at international conferences on sound art and music.

As a teacher he develops his activity in his private studio, directs the Diploma in Audio and Music Production and the Diploma in Sound Art at UTN.BA and has worked at UNICEN, UNTreF, UP, Biblioteca Argentina para Ciegos, among other institutions.

Pablo Bas: direction of the Taller de Música y Arte Sonoro, general production, artistic production of the album, curation and mastering.