Electronic and Sound Artist.

Laura Molina — PLÉYADE | CALATHEA Experimenta




She began her artistic career at Espacio Fundación Telefónica, taking the aesthetic, curatorial and montage specialisation programme for technological art works on two occasions, and participated in the Production Laboratory of the Medialab programme of the Centro Cultural de España en Buenos Aires (CCEBA). Then, she obtained a postgraduate degree in Electronics Applied to Art at the National University of the Arts (UNA).

During this process and up to the present day, she has been making works in co-authorship with artists of diverse expressions.

She has coordinated basic electronics workshops.

She collaborates interdisciplinarily with artists who require electronic objects or installations for their works.

This whole itinerary has led her to deepen and continue her training in sound art and to compose experimentally. She also studies cello.

Her works have been exhibited in Argentina (Museo de Arte y Memoria de La Plata, Centro de Arte Sonoro (CASo), Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes, Espacio Fundación Telefónica, CCEBA, Museo MAR, Centro Cultural 25 de mayo, Centro Cultural Konex, among others); in Spain (In-Sonora VI and In-Sonora VII, SON-Nueva generación de artistas sonoros) and in Finland (Sensibus Festival – Seinäjoki).


Electroacoustic work made from cello recordings. It was composed from simple sounds, consisting of plucked, fretted and plucked strings, bow strokes and percussions on the instrument, later manipulated and processed. The result is a soundscape that awakens the imagination from the listening experience.


Mastering: it was carried out in two stages. The first part in Pablo Bas’ studio and then in the Laboratorio de Investigación y Producción Musical del Centro Cultural Recoleta [LIPM CCR] with Gabriel Lucena as technician and the support of FMyT [Fundación Música y Tecnología].