Gabriela Spinelli — PLÉYADE | CALATHEA Experimenta




After some small and intuitive recordings made during some trips and motivated by the reading of the novel “Desierto Sonoro”, whose protagonists are sound documentarists, I started an approach to art from sound, its capture, recording, processing and manipulation, and in that search I found the sound art workshop taught by the artist Pablo Bas, where I have been taking classes for two years.

A Trilogy (Una Trilogía)

This piece is based on the need to explore the abstract as a way of resisting the useful and the productive. It is part of some of the exercises carried out in the sound art workshop and was made from the recording and processing of sounds from household objects that were intertwined with the idea of constructing textures and a narrative that recreates the everyday environment from a poetic perspective.


Mastering: it was carried out in two stages. The first part in Pablo Bas’ studio and then in the Laboratorio de Investigación y Producción Musical del Centro Cultural Recoleta [LIPM CCR] with Gabriel Lucena as technician and the support of FMyT [Fundación Música y Tecnología].