Graduate in music, composer, arranger, multi-instrumentalist and teacher.

Camila Soledad Albarracín — PLÉYADE | CALATHEA Experimenta




Her work encompasses instrumental, experimental and art-sound composition. She is a member of UNACOM (Unión Argentina de Compositoras) and is doing a postgraduate degree in Sound Art at UNTREF. She has participated in musical and cultural projects within the Centro Cultural Kirchner, Muntref, Tecnópolis, Centro de Arte Sonoro, MUTEK Argentina.

During his artistic career he has composed mixed works, electronic, music for video games, music for theatre plays, string quartet, orchestral, for violin and piano, for clarinet and tape, acousmatic, for percussion set, arrangements for cello, chamber orchestra, arrangements for guitar trio and saxophone/flute, among others.


A sonic musical work that captivates the listener with its evocative and hypnotic blend of sounds and textures. Combining elements of electronic and ambient music, Birch creates an immersive, emotionally resonant soundscape that invites reflection and contemplation. The work can be perceived as a representation of the connection between past, present and future. The use of nature sounds in the work evokes a sense of history and tradition, reminding us that nature has been present since time immemorial. These sounds connect us to the past and remind us of the importance of maintaining a link with nature in an increasingly technological and artificial world. The mixture of electronic and organic elements reflects the fusion of past and present, creating a new art form that incorporates elements of both. The work is a demonstration of the potential of technology to collaborate with nature, rather than replace it.


Mastering: it was carried out in two stages. The first part in Pablo Bas’ studio and then in the Laboratorio de Investigación y Producción Musical del Centro Cultural Recoleta [LIPM CCR] with Gabriel Lucena as technician and the support of FMyT [Fundación Música y Tecnología].