María Cristina Kasem

Composer, Violinist, Doctor in Music and Musicology from the Sorbonne University.

Maria Cristina Kasem — CALATHEA Experimenta




He was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina and graduated from the Conservatory of Music of Buenos Aires (Artistic Technician in Violin).

Her university studies led her to a Master’s degree in Ethnomusicology at the University 3 de Febrero, then to a Master’s degree in Musicology at the Department of Musicology of the University Lille III in Lille, France, and later to a PhD in music and musicology at the Sorbonne University.

He received several international awards and distinctions: first prize at the International Electroacoustic Music Competition of Bourges (IMEB) for the piece Las Aguas Abismales (2009). The Motus Prize awarded by the Destellos Foundation (Argentina) and Motus Acousma (France) for the piece Lo Inefable (2008).

The piece Niebla y Luz was selected to represent Argentina during the World Music Days. Kasem participated in the International Music Council ROSTRUM-UNESCO with the work Pacha Mama in May 2014 in Helsinki, Finland.

His sources of inspiration are the original cultures of the peoples of Latin America, in particular their spirituality through the use of traditional instruments, as well as the cultures of the Middle East.

In 2013, together with Ricardo Mandolini, he created the International Electroacoustic Music Week, an annual cultural event. In 2018, he received two commissions:

  • SACEM / Proarti, for the creation of the piece for Duduk and electronics, Le Sommet des Soupirs, created during SIME 2018, at the Cave des Celestins in Lille.
  • 2. She was commissioned by the Department of Culture, University of Lille, to create the sound installation Les Pouvoirs Magiques de L’eau. The latter took place at the Espace Culture concert hall, University of Lille, Cite Scientifique campus.

He currently lives in France, alternating his stay with Argentina.