Anésio Neto's unique soundscapes and the creative process behind the album 'Mata Atlántica'.

The creative process of the works that make up Mata Atlántica, as well as the emergence of the album that contains them, I was able to follow it from the beginning thanks to being in contact with the work of Anésio Neto and to knowing his creative performance as a sound artist. Anésio makes field recordings with which he creates, with great sensitivity and subtlety, sound pieces of an electroacoustic and performative nature.

His creative themes are oriented towards the natural sound environments he inhabits, knows and investigates, his relationship with the territories through listening and the ambient music he has always been attracted to. This project combines and crystallises these three central axes of his work. Within the concept that stellatum_ proposed for this album was the idea of including three pieces created in collaboration, each one of them with a different artist -among which I am fortunate enough to be-, which is perfectly in tune with what emanates from his work, which is his openness towards environments and diversity.

In this case it is the region of the Atlantic Forest, which is part of the continuity of having carried out other artistic projects on other Brazilian biomes such as the Brazilian Cerrado and the Ocean.

I had the great pleasure of being in charge of the artistic production and mastering of the album; it was a job done with great affection and very pleasantly, in constant, sensitive and fluid communication with my friend Anésio, with the aim of ensuring that each of the works, individually and as a whole, managed to express his own sound poetics and those of the artists involved. I hope you enjoy it.

Pablo Bas — PLÉYADE | CALATHEA Experimenta

▌DECEMBER — 2023