Anésio Neto (a.k.a. stellatum_)

PhD in Visual Arts. | Ambient music inspired by nature, landscapes and emptiness.

Anésio Neto | stellatum_ — PLÉYADE | CALATHEA Experimenta




Sound visual artist based in Brazil and professor of philosophy at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of São Paulo, where he also acts as a researcher in the following subjects: Art, Technology, Nature and Science. In his artistic work he explores spatio-temporal displacement through sounds and images. The compositions of stellatum_ move between electroacoustic and ambient music, sometimes based on natural soundscapes, sometimes on synthesized DAW drones.

Clusters 03_03_0

It is the result of a creative exercise proposed by Pablo Bas, in the year 2021, in which the idea was to work with agglomerated musical notes to propose sound textures. The rhythmic variations provide a sense of movement, while the drone in the background, in contrast with the foreground textures, add spatio-temporal density to the theme. It is a track to listen to with headphones.


Mastering: it was carried out in two stages. The first part in Pablo Bas’ studio and then in the Laboratorio de Investigación y Producción Musical del Centro Cultural Recoleta [LIPM CCR] with Gabriel Lucena as technician and the support of FMyT [Fundación Música y Tecnología].