PIANO HÖRSPIEL : STUDIO (it’s about to rain)

This electroacoustic piece is born from a question (that's why I call it "STUDY").

FORMAT: Digital
PLUS: Booklet 
LABEL: Piano H​Ö​RSPIEL (está por llover)
RELEASE: May, 2023

What is a Hörspiel?
What sounds characterise it: natural sounds, sounds of places, everyday sounds, familiar sounds?

And finally:
How can the piano be used as a counterpoint?
The piano, not only through the music produced by the instrument,
but as a presence,
as identification?

The absence of voice in the foreground, or its presence, close to the domestic activity, and remote in the landscapes, restores an imaginary world, which is that of my memory and of my dreams.

The idea of the piece, then, is to confront two sound worlds, the radio-like sounds (indoor and outdoor soundscapes) and the sounds of the piano, which intervene in and out of situation.

While an underlying story can be intuited, the magic of the montage opens the floodgates of the imagination, allowing for a multiplicity of possible readings from the most anecdotal to the most abstract.


Andrea Cohen: Composition, Interpretation.
Grafía: Katell Herbert.

Mastering for platforms by CALATHEA Experimenta.