Uruguayan, he was born in Tacuarembó and grew up in Cuchilla del Aguará and La Quebrada. For years, he has been working collaboratively with researchers and artists to promote and disseminate the Afroindigenous heritage.

Robert Da Silva | CALATHEA experimenta




As a child he worked alongside his father as a farm labourer on a ranch and became independent at the age of 13 when he began to work on his own in other rural establishments. The horse was a working tool that allowed him to get to know the territory in depth.
He attended the Higher School of Electronics and Electrotechnics (UTU) in Montevideo, trained as a Radio Operator at the Army Communications School (ECOME) and continued studying at the Communications Battalion No.1, until 1992.

In 2014 he completed a rural carpentry course, provided by INEFOP in Paso de los Novillos, Tacuarembó. He completed the basic cycle in 2015 with the Uruguay Estudia Project, in Curtina, achieving a mention as an outstanding student.

In 2005, after a severe injury while he was wiring wire, his work history took a turn. In 2006 he began to conduct a series of interviews on local histories and rural trades, in the Curtina area and surroundings, forming a collection of more than 70 cassette tapes. This work is part of the collection of the Oral Archive of the Centro de la Memoria, which is publicly accessible and kept in the Bishopric of Tacuarembó. He presented his results at the 4th Latin American Forum on Memory and Identity. His paper is published in the Memorias del Foro and he was subsequently commissioned to carry out a report on the last residents of the Conventillo Ansina (Montevideo) before its demolition. It was published in the weekly Acción Informativa in September 2007: Memoria y lucha del Conventillo Ansina.

In 2007 he carried out research on horse-related trades, the results of which he published in 2009 in the book “Jinetes, Domadores y Troperos” (Robert Da Silva and Ana Rodríguez, Esebé Ediciones, Tacuarembó, 186 p.). That year he presented the book at the Fiesta de la Patria Gaucha and acted in the film “La Redota” (Dir. César Charlone, 2011), as the gaucho who presents the discussion with Artigas about the inheritance of the land.
From 2009 to date, he has been giving talks at School No. 9 in Curtina on the contents of the book, which he has been expanding and updating. He collaborates with the Uruguay Trabaja Programme, giving an introduction to the local history of Curtina for groups participating in the programme. He collaborated in courses given by the anthropologist Walter Díaz, aimed at teachers:

“Oral Traditions, School and Writing in the Internet Galaxy”, Regional Programme of Tertiary Education in the Northeast Region, Tacuarembó, UDELAR Tacuarembó.

Continuing Education Course “Oral traditions, school and writing in the Internet Galaxy” University Centre of Paysandú- UDELAR – ANEP (2013).

In 2015 she participated in the 2nd. Encuentro Movimientos Populares, in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. He was a delegate of the Pastoral de la tierra and the Movimiento por la tierra. It was Evo Morales who delivered all the documents received to Pope Francis.

He currently collaborates with the Aparcería Lazo, rienda y boleadora (San Gregorio de Polanco, Tacuarembó) doing thematic research for the competition in the Patria Gaucha and makes the presentation to the public of the representation that the Aparcería makes every year.

It participates in the project Hogar de Ancianos Rodolfo y Eduardo Sabattini, carried out with the help of neighbours from Curtina. They have legal status and agreements with the IDT. It is an ongoing project, based on the donation of a property by the Sabattini family.

He is currently the President of the Movement for Land and Against Poverty (Movimiento Por la Tierra y Contra la Pobreza).