Anthropologist, documentary filmmaker and sound artist.




Uruguayan. I was born in 1975 in Montevideo. My parents and grandparents were born in a city in the interior or in the countryside, and have emigrated to the city or to the capital. I am trying to make the reverse journey and I live in Tacuarembó. I went to public school, I studied at the public university, I am an anthropologist and I work on cultural projects, generally linked to the rural world and sound recordings. I keep one of the sound maps of my country and sometimes I work in Portugal, also in the countryside. I deeply admire people who help to heal and those who plant.

I am currently studying for a Master’s degree in Agricultural Sciences at the Faculty of Agronomy, UDELAR. For my thesis, I am investigating the different links we have in Tacuarembó with the watercourses we live next to. One of my passions is to generate stories about the invisible layers of the places we inhabit, that is, I like to talk to people older than me.